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Founded in July 2016, EU in Brum is part of a national grass roots movement of people who:

  • value their citizenship of the greatest peaceful, democratic, political and economic project that Europe has ever known;

  • are dismayed by the failure of the British political establishment over the past forty years to promote this;

  • were disgusted by the lies that formed the Leave campaign in the 2016 Referendum;

  • are ashamed by the treatment of their fellow citizens from other EU countries who came to work in Britain in good faith but are now subject to violence from racist thugs and discrimination by the government bureaucracy;

  • are terrified of the consequences of Brexit for Britain's economy, democracy, environment, workers' rights and place in the World; and

  • are determined to take action about these things.

EU in Brum has members and leaders who are citizens of the UK, other EU countries and the rest of the world.

We both campaign within the British political system and support those whose welfare is threatened by this disaster.

This affects everyone, whatever their nationality - it is not "someone else's problem".

EU in Brum has:

  • been featured in the Guardian;

  • organised three demonstrations in Birmingham city centre;

  • had stalls at various local events throughout the city;

  • written numerous letters to newspapers, MPs, European politicians and others;

  • conducted a relentless campaign on Facebook and Twitter;

  • invited knowledgeable people to give talks about the issues;

  • flag-bombed parks, road junctions and other public places; and

  • held regular discussion meetings for its members.

EU in Brum campaigned during the 2017 General Election for:

  • Richard Burden to retain his seat as Labour MP for Northfield;

  • Preet Gill to become the new Labour MP for Edgbaston, in place of the notorious Gisela Stuart;

  • Jerry Evans, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Hall Green; and

  • Ade Adeyemo, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Solihull.

Join our campaign and help us make a difference!

Join the EuinBrum mailing list!

©2021 by EU IN BRUM.  

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